The Battle is Already Won

Today’s devotional is from John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage I have overcome the world.” (NASB) In our study on courage, we must remember that in the face of the battles we struggle with, we have already won. Notice Jesus said that we will have trouble! Tribulation, trials, problems, struggles…they are all part of life.

When I was a new Christian there was a movement going around that said once we became Believers, we would never have problems. Everything would be smooth sailing. The only problem with that is, as new Believers, the first battle we come up against, we begin to feel discouraged, some even think they have lost their salvation. But Jesus never said we wouldn’t have battles to face, in fact, He said that we would have to go through these things. It is a certain fact! My mind goes to a song that was popular when I was a late teen/early adult that said, “I never promised you a rose garden.” That is exactly the point! Jesus never promised that we would go through life unscathed, without difficulties.

But, Jesus has won the battle for us, therefore we are victors in those things that the enemy would throw into our pathway. Once we have become Christians, Satan is not a happy camper! That’s when he throws everything including the kitchen sink at us. He knows he can’t take away our salvation, but he can make it so that our witness is ineffective, that we become discouraged, that we lose our peace, and that we give up. I’ve heard Believers state that before they were Christians they didn’t have as many battles and problems as they did after becoming Believers. Well, there’s a good reason for that. Satan isn’t worried when we belong to him, but he is worried when we belong to HIM…the One who gives life, peace, joy, strength, and saves completely!

Notice that Jesus says we should take courage! We can rest in the knowledge that God already has the battle won. We do not have to walk defeated lives, we can find peace, strength, and encouragement as we fight those battles. We must remember that the battle is the Lord’s (I Samuel 17:47), and it is He who fights our battles. Now, that doesn’t mean we just sit back and not try to fight. But what it means is, He fights with us, and it is He who brings the final victory.

My battle with anger is a prime example. Yes, Jesus has won the battle for me, but it is up to me to try and control my anger. Every victory is because He has given me the strength and courage to fight to get my anger under control. For me, this a life long battle. I win by baby steps. I am far from where I need to be, but I must say, I have seen some improvements. Satan knows how to get me to the point of exploding, I just need to recognize what weapons he uses to cause me to fail, and then fight against them.

As we walk out this life as Believers we know we do not walk alone. God is walking right next to us. He is fighting for us, encouraging us, strengthening us, helping us to become strong in our faith, to live lives that would draw others to Jesus. Be encouraged, you are not alone!

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